We discuss a platform that has both software and hardware components, and whose purpose is to support research into characterizing and mitigating the sim-to-real gap in robotics and vehicle autonomy engineering. The software is operating-system independent and has three main components: a simulation engine called Chrono, which supports high-fidelity vehicle and sensor simulation; an autonomy stack for algorithm design and testing; and a development environment that supports visualization and hardware-in-the-loop experimentation. The accompanying hardware platform is a 1/6th scale vehicle augmented with reconfigurable mountings for computing, sensing, and tracking. Since this vehicle platform has a digital twin within the simulation environment, one can test the same autonomy perception, state estimation, or controls algorithms, as well as the processors they run on, in both simulation and reality. A demonstration is provided to show the utilization of this platform for autonomy research. Future work will concentrate on augmenting ART/ATK with support for a full-sized Chevy Bolt EUV, which will be made available to this group in the immediate future.
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我们描述了一个软件框架和用于串联的硬件平台,用于设计和分析模拟和现实中机器人自主算法。该软件是开源的,独立的容器和操作系统(OS)的软件,具有三个主要组件:COS ++车辆仿真框架(Chrono)的ROS 2接口(Chrono),该框架提供了高保真的轮毂/跟踪的车辆和传感器仿真;基于ROS 2的基本基于算法设计和测试的自治堆栈;以及一个开发生态系统,可在感知,状态估计,路径计划和控制中进行可视化和硬件实验。随附的硬件平台是1/6刻度的车辆,并具有可重新配置的用于计算,传感和跟踪的可重新配置的安装。其目的是允许对算法和传感器配置进行物理测试和改进。由于该车辆平台在模拟环境中具有数字双胞胎,因此可以测试和比较模拟和现实中相同的算法和自主堆栈。该平台的构建是为了表征和管理模拟到现实差距。在此,我们描述了如何建立,部署和用于改善移动应用程序的自主权。
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通过学习占用和公制地图来解决开放世界越野导航任务的几何方法,提供良好的泛化,但在违反他们的假设(例如,高草)的户外环境中可能是脆弱的。基于学习的方法可以直接从原始观察中学习无碰撞行为,但难以与标准的基于几何的管道集成。这创造了一个不幸的冲突 - 要么使用学习,要么丢失很好的几何导航组件,要么不使用它,或者不使用它,支持广泛的手动调整几何的成本图。在这项工作中,我们通过以一种方式设计学习和非学习的组件来拒绝这种二分法,使得它们可以以自我监督的方式有效地组合。这两个组件都有助于规划标准:学习组件作为奖励有助于预测的可遍历,而几何组件会有助于障碍成本信息。我们实例化并相对评价我们的系统在分销和分发的外部环境中,表明这种方法继承了来自学习和几何成分的互补收益,并显着优于其中任何一个。我们的结果视频在https://sites.google.com/view/hybrid -imitative-planning托管
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